On Impact

The young woman walked confidently up to the wooden lectern, with the beautiful bright blue Jefferson Awards Foundation logo sparkling with all the camera flashes. Without hesitation she began her story. “At the age of eight my father was incarcerated for one hundred and thirty-five years. For several years my mother and I were left […]

Paying back

A friend recently told me that all the good stuff happening to me as of late was the universe paying me back. She also said she was waiting for the same in her life. “Hang in there,” I said. “It will happen.” My life proves that even though bad things do happen to good people, […]


The audience rose as my name was announced. My loss, love and life had just played out on the big screen in three minutes. The emcee allowed me a few moments to gather myself before addressing the hundreds of people attending. My heart raced, and my right palm was moist around the little piece of […]


“The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.” — Bruce Lee   I won’t live forever.  Nobody does.  I know this all too well. So, I try and live every day. Really live. Tough standard, to live life to its fullest. Every day. I fail miserably often. I get caught up in […]

Groundcover Vendor #42

I met up with my friend, Denise Brennan-Nelson up at the Ann Arbor Farmer’s market this week. She is a children’s book author and motivational speaker.  I am so grateful that Claire’s Day brought us into each other’s worlds. Through our many conversations, get-togethers and emails, we have discovered a mutual love of the significance […]