Entries by Julie Rubini

Eureka! We Found Giants!

We discovered Giants in nature, art, architecture and industry in our adventures through Northern California. Nature’s Giants We had a relatively beautiful day weather-wise to venture into the land of the Redwoods. I loved driving the Avenue of the Giants, a tight, slightly 31-mile drive that parallels Highway 101 just south of where we were […]


The elements come into play on our travels, whether motoring from one locale to another, or while we are camped out for any period of time. Such has been the case in traversing from Idaho to Oregon, and then from our stop in Bend to our destination along the coast, Coos Bay. Our timing on […]


Home*ful: adjective: having a place to live, not homeless. 2. enjoying time together in a home. This word is not quite an official entry in any dictionary, but it suits our experiences in Salt Lake City as well as our visit with family in Caldwell, Idaho. I’ll start with the beginnings of our adventures in […]

Golden Opportunities

Life is too short, and any chance to spend time with our kids is special. We intentionally landed in the Denver area this past week to be with our son, Ian and his partner, Adam to explore and celebrate Ian’s 30th birthday. It was oh so much fun, and went by all too quickly. Golden […]

Alright, Alright, Alright

My youngest brother, Gordie, recommended we listen to Matthew McConaughey’s memoir, Greenlights on our travels. I was a bit hesitant, as I thought the actor was rather self-absorbed. I mean, what could I learn from a man who made a name for himself running on beaches and showing off his six-pack abs? Plenty. The timing […]

October Whirlwind

I’m struggling with how to start this post, because it doesn’t seem possible that we left Toledo just a month ago. Especially since I uploaded pictures from our various adventures first, and then faced with the task of sharing the narrative. We’ve had so many different experiences already, and I hope to do them all […]

It’s no longer all Greek to me

My husband Brad and I each have travel bucket lists. Years ago we wrote out 10 different locations we wanted to visit, without consulting with each other. Amazingly, (or maybe not as we’ve been together for nearly forty years) we both chose some of the same countries. Greece was one of them. We checked off […]

A blur and a blog

I’m back home, on solid ground, after being in constant motion for the last 5 ½ months in our motorhome. I’m sitting at my desk, covered with research books, book proposals, correspondence, works by upcoming Claire’s Day authors and illustrators, sipping tea and reflecting on our adventures. Here’s how the (approximate!) numbers stack up; 8,000 […]

Trip to the Mother Ship

Red Bay. It sounds like a spice, or for those in Florida currently, a description of the coast lines getting hit with Red tide. But, for every Tiffin motorhome owner, Red Bay means home. As in Sweet Alabama home. In 1941, Alex Tiffin opened Tiffin Supply Company in this little town in northern Alabama. Throw […]

Sweet Coast

Some call the stretch of coastal Florida from the towns of Carrabelle to Seaside the Forgotten Coast. It’s also known as the Gulf Coast. I’d call it the Sweet Coast. With it’s sugary beaches and laid-back vibe, it was just what my soul needed. My friend Margie gave us a lovely book as a Bon […]