Entries by Julie Rubini

From Coast to Coast

Don’t you love it when the perfect book enters your life at the perfect time? My friend Beth Fry lent me Last Train to Paradise, the story of Henry Flagler’s quest to build the railroad along the eastern coastline, and ultimately, all the way to Key West. The timing to read this fascinating account couldn’t […]


My friend Rita had me at “Hey there traveler! Missing you and wondering where you will be the last couple weeks of January?” Rita’s text couldn’t have come at a better time. I was feeling a little bit homesick. Rita and her husband Curt have been friends for nearly thirty years. We moved into our […]

Death by Alligator

I sensed movement off to my left, just behind reeds that lined the Juniper Spring Run. I drew my paddle back into the water, quietly, cautiously. As I came around a bend, I felt my pulse quicken. There, just a paddle length away was the biggest alligator I had ever seen. He stopped moving, just […]

Time Outs

Years ago I traveled with my dear friends Susan and Pam to Europe. Our itinerary included flying to Paris, taking the Chunnel to London and then up to Scotland. As we were visiting three countries, we thought we’d divide and conquer in our research. Paris pour moi, Susan covered London, and Pam willingly took Scotland. […]

Moon River and Me…a Christmas Memory and Wish

The Jazz Corner in Hilton Head has served as a haven for jazz enthusiasts for nearly a quarter of a century. Brad and I were fortunate to take in Lavon Stevens on the piano and singer Louise Spencer this past week. Dinner was fantastic  and the crowd responsive as they played a variety of holiday […]

Family, Friends and Flames

One of the greatest benefits to this on-the-road experience is being able to spend time with family members and friends. Over the last couple of weeks we’ve visited with my mother-in-law, Lynn, daughter Kyle and her husband, Will, son, Ian, and friends Steve and Debbie Gibbs. I’ll get to the flames in a bit, but […]


OBXing…verb  1) exploring the Outer Banks of North Carolina 2) noting all the vanity plates that start with OBX 3) checking another destination off the bucket list I’ve always wanted to visit the Outer Banks, with two experiences high on the list; visiting the site of the Wright Brothers historical flight, and seeing the Wild […]


It has been said that a duck looks calm above the water, but is paddling like heck underwater to stay afloat. I’ve learned that this is simply not true. Ducks only paddle to change direction, or to move forward. Ducks have a gland at the base of their tails that secretes an oil that they […]

Brother, lost and found

The last time I saw my oldest brother Kevin was the morning after my daughter’s wedding, this past June. Brad and I hosted a brunch for family, and Kevin and his new wife, Bobbie were able to join us before they took off for their several-day drive back to their home in Lincoln, Nebraska. It […]

The Secret Case of the Nancy Drew Ghostwriter

I’m flying high over sharing the many secrets of Mildred Augustine Wirt Benson aka the original Carolyn Keene on Friday, July 15 at Main Library, Toledo Lucas County Public Library! My talk is all a part of a Nancy Drew celebration and unveiling of the Nancy Drew collection donated by Jennifer Fisher. The event is […]