
While researching new releases for middle grade readers for a blog I contribute to, I came across an intriguing title for us slightly older readers. The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences have Extraordinary Impact sounds like it is right up my alley. And a perfect lead-in for my own personal blog. This is me […]

I just have to say something…

It’s raining outside, gloriously, as we need it in my corner of the world. The weather reflects the sadness in my heart, so bear with me as I share. My sunflower posting on Monday was intentional. My silence was not a reflection of denial of the events from the weekend, just my Pollyanna syndrome kicking […]

Find your Voice

  I hadn’t been on the tennis court for nearly two months, and even then, had slightly injured myself during the match. I was grateful to be back, yet, a little hesitant. Even though it was just a “Monday Fun-day” match, I felt a little intimidated. My playing partners and opponents were 3.5 and 4.0 […]

Thanks to all who came to my presentation on Virginia Hamilton!

I had a great time sharing Virginia Hamilton’s life journey, and my own in researching and writing her story at Main Library in Toledo. I’ll keep you posted on future signings and appearances!

Starred Review by Kirkus for my biography of Virginia Hamilton!

Starred reviews are hard to come by from Kirkus, an industry magazine that reviews over 7000 books a year. Only 10% receive a coveted Kirkus Star. Virginia Hamilton: America’s Storyteller received one! Check out the amazing review!