
Bloom where you are planted, the saying goes. But, what if we’re not blooming where we’ve taken root? Do we just stay put, confined to whatever or whoever is stifling our growth? Or, do we pick up stakes, literally or figuratively, and try to blossom elsewhere? My garden provides lessons in this theory all the […]

She was a gift to All

I had a wonderful time recently sharing the life of Virginia Hamilton, sponsored by Ohio Humanities and hosted by the National Afro American Museum and Cultural Center. We had over 100 participants who joined me as I walked them through Virginia’s life journey, from her adventures as a little girl growing up in Yellow Springs, Ohio […]


“For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.” -Virginia Woolf I discovered this quote while doing research for my latest proposed biography for young readers. My subject, even though she has a significant place in history, is unknown. This woman was the first to serve in her role. This woman stood toe-to-toe with men and […]

Presenting Virginia Hamilton…

It was an honor sharing the life of Virginia Hamilton, the most honored author of children’s literature. In gratitude to Ohio Humanities for underwriting my presentation, and the Ohio History Connection/National Afro American Museum and Cultural Center for hosting. Check it out here: vi


Home. This simple word carries such complexity. Especially now, as our homes have become our workplaces, our refuge, and our sometimes-too-close quarantine quarters all rolled into one. Home means so much more than that, as I discovered while being on the road for a month, living out of a suitcase, far away. I felt much […]